Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 11

Autodesk Informed Design unlocks industrialised construction to connect design and workflows

A utodesk , has unveiled Autodesk Informed Design , a cloud-based solution that connects design and manufacturing workflows to streamline the building design and construction process . Informed Design allows architects to work with customisable , pre-defined building products that yield valid results and manufacturers to share their products with design stakeholders . Informed Design unlocks industrialised construction – the application of manufacturing principles to the built environment – and will help transform the architecture , engineering , construction and operations ( AECO ) industry .


The AECO industry is facing rising pressure to accommodate growing populations , urbanisation and a global housing crisis . For example , nearly 100,000 new affordable homes need to be built every day to house an estimated three billion people by 2030 . Additionally , the industry faces pressure to improve its sustainability ; construction is one of the most wasteful industries in the world and it ’ s responsible for nearly 40 % of global CO 2 emissions .
“ The way the AECO industry works today is not sustainable or scalable . For the industry to keep pace , it needs to build more , faster and more sustainably . The answer is industrialised construction ,” said Ryan McMahon , Director and General Manager , Informed Design at Autodesk . “ Autodesk Informed Design connects design and make from day one and brings industrialised construction workflows to reality . Our solution is unique because it empowers architects to design with certainty and validate their plans in real-time , while product managers and engineers can share accurate manufacturing information with design teams . As a result , projects are completed quicker , with higher quality and generate less waste .”

UK government announces that new developments will need to deliver for people and nature

New developments will be delivered in a way which protects and enhances nature , while ensuring England gets the high-quality homes it needs .
Developers in England will be required to deliver 10 % ‘ Biodiversity Net Gain ’ when building new housing , industrial or commercial developments so there is a positive benefit for nature .
This means they will have to assess the type of habitat affected and its condition before submitting plans to the local planning authority detailing how they will deliver a 10 % benefit for nature .
Biodiversity Net Gain is a key part of the government ’ s commitment to halt species decline by 2030 and was introduced into legislation through the world-leading Environment Act .

N ew housing , commercial and infrastructure developments are set to be ‘ nature positive ’ from November onwards , the government has announced the plans , backed by £ 16 million of funding for Local Planning Authorities , and guidance to support the new approach .

Environment Secretary , Therese Coffey , said : “ We will continue to support and work with developers and planning authorities ahead of the introduction of Biodiversity Net Gain . We want to help them ensure the developments of the future enhance biodiversity by creating thriving places for plants and wildlife , as outlined under our pioneering Environmental Improvement Plan .”
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