Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 12


Board members have not received sufficient cyber-resilience training in the past year

A ccording to recent report findings by Bob Semple , Board Intelligence and The Corporate Governance Institute , almost two-thirds of board members have not received adequate support and training regarding cyber-resilience in the past 12 months .

The research was conducted from May to July 2023 and included over 250 participants , consisting of chairs , NEDs and executive directors from both public and private sectors , including statefunded organisations and charities .
David W . Duffy , CEO and Co-founder of the Corporate Governance Institute , has highlighted the rapid advancements in technology that have transformed the world within a single generation . However , he raises concerns about whether boardrooms keep the same pace , discussing the potential consequences of not providing proper training to board members .
“ Considering the extensive repercussions , it is evident that each board must tackle cyber-risks ; this subject is an essential aspect of effective corporate governance . According to our survey , the significance of cyber-resilience is growing considerably in all sectors , but it is worrying that 60 % of board members have not received sufficient cyber-resilience training in the past year .
“ All boards must take necessary precautions to safeguard their systems .”
“ Cybercrime can devastate a company ’ s financial stability , brand identity and market worth . It also risks customer trust , negative publicity and legal repercussions . Everything points to long-lasting damage if companies are not prepared ,” he said .

Trimble introduces roadworks paving control platform for Mills and Cold Planers

T rimble has announced the availability of the Trimble Roadworks Paving Control Platform for Mills and Cold Planers , extending the functionality of Trimble ’ s next-generation , 3D paving control system . Trimble Roadworks for Mills and Cold Planers runs on an Android operating system and enables operators to precisely control cutting depth of the mill or cold planer , according to project design .

The intuitive system allows operators to meet the most demanding specs on the most complex projects , minimising overcutting and creating a smoother surface on airport runways , highways , racetracks and other projects that require optimum smoothness . The 3D design is displayed to the machine operator showing areas that are on , above or below ideal grade , comparing the actual drum position and slope with the digital design . The platform automatically guides the milling drum to cut the ideal depth and slope without string lines or manual adjustments .
“ Complex paving projects such as airport runways and heavily-traveled highways have some of the tightest specifications in the construction industry ,” said Kevin Garcia , General Manager of Civil Specialty
Solutions at Trimble . “ Trimble Roadworks for milling and cold planing takes both the guesswork and the re-work out of milling , making it easy for operators to mill precisely to a 3D design elevation . The benefits of this extend throughout the entire paving process , creating less work for pavers , decreasing asphalt usage , and increasing overall surface smoothness .” �
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