Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 19

FOUNDATION FRAMEWORK importantly , what timeframes are required for charging electric vehicles in each of those car parks . For example , supermarkets need a rapid charge , as generally users nip in and do their shop and are out within 30 to 40 minutes . For places where people spend longer , medium ChargePoints are necessary so that the user doesn ’ t have to rush back to their car and move their car to another parking space . Privately , fitting EV ’ s needs to be cheaper , dual ChargePoints need to be the norm , and EV car pricing needs to be more cost effective .
Local authorities are vital to communicate the transition and planning to local residents
A survey from Which ? last year , found that of 2,000 car owners , two in five respondents said the top reason they aren ’ t considering buying an electric car was the perceived lack of ChargePoints . If we ’ re to successfully make the transition to all electric vehicles by 2023 , we must have the facilities for people to charge their EVs but there ’ s also a need to keep car owners updated on when new charging points are planned and when they will be available for the public to use .
Regular communication from the council will be vital to ensure that people feel confident in buying an electric vehicle , knowing they have multiple ChargePoints that they can access and that they won ’ t be delayed in their journey .
To conclude , local authorities are vital to the successful roll out of EV ChargePoint ’ s as they play an essential role in planning , budgeting , analysing infrastructural needs and , most importantly , keeping residents updated about the progression made to ChargePoint rollouts . �
Will Temperley , Founder of Fortis Foundation
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