Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 20



London ’ s Build to Rent sector : New report reveals disparity across London boroughs

A new report has shared a fresh insight into the growth of London ’ s Build to Rent ( BtR ) sector and how the capital ’ s planning policies are encouraging this growth .

Demand for Build to Rent properties is rising and investor appetite is growing which is driving a marked increase in BtR planning permissions . However , the Planning for Rent Insight Report by national consultants , Lichfields , has revealed that planning policy across all boroughs is mixed and could do far more to provide a comprehensive or consistent basis for the delivery of new London BtR schemes .
A key finding highlights a stark inconsistency in how BtR is addressed in Local Plan policies across the capital .
A key finding highlights a stark inconsistency in how BtR is addressed in Local Plan policies across the capital . Of the 35 local planning authorities in London ,
46 % make no reference to BtR in their emerging or adopted Local Plans .
The London Plan provides a strong policy foundation for BtR developments , but the support isn ’ t always echoed at the local borough level . Almost half ( 45 %) of bespoke BtR sites are within inner London and 41 % of bespoke BtR developments , secured via specific planning applications , are in just four boroughs : Brent , Newham , Ealing and Enfield .
The London Plan advocates for greater flexibility in design policies for BtR schemes in comparison to traditional for-sale schemes . However , Lichfield ’ s study indicates that this is not happening in practice . For instance , half ( 50 %) of London ’ s BtR projects were granted planning permission as Build for Sale residential developments but later managed by BtR operators .
The report found that local borough policies consistently fail to differentiate between for-sale housing and BtR schemes , meaning applications for BtR are assessed against policies designed for private sale developments . This creates a requirement for each planning application for BtR to provide individual justification , which makes the planning process for BtR more complex than it needs to be .
The Build to Rent Insight report reviewed BtR planning applications which have been approved since 2009 . It assessed the spatial distribution of these developments across the London boroughs , providing an analysis of how these development patterns align with policy . �
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