Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 18

Local authorities are vital to the successful roll out of EV ChargePoint ’ s as they play an essential role in planning , budgeting , analysing infrastructural needs and , most importantly , keeping residents updated about the progression made to ChargePoint rollouts .
are enough charging stations for all electrical vehicle owners to use , as well considerations for how long each vehicle will take to charge .
Local authorities will be able to consider practical needs for EV rollouts
With space for charging points being another main issue , the council would need to survey every street within the area to determine what type of charger and model . There are different EV chargers so councils would need to evaluate which are most suitable , for example , some are pop-ups , some are above surface and require bollard protection , it all depends on the built environment in which they ’ re being placed . On street EV charging is a great solution and has the ability to adapt to 2 – 20 chargers depending on the length of street and number of houses it has to cater for and can be spaced on either side of the street or a linear line , so there ’ s a lot of flexibility depending on spacing needs .
The council would need to evaluate which pathways need to be opened up and most
To ensure a smooth running and transition , local authorities will need to carefully plan and consider how they allocate budget , how they estimate timeframes as well as clear understanding of the different resources they need to ensure a smooth , timely project before the 2035 deadline . Here are some key considerations .
Local authorities have the power to ‘ okay ’ the planning needed for EV rollouts
The current infrastructure is the main issue when it comes to halted EV charging roll outs . Councils have an everchanging list of demands , so are often focussed on solving short-term problems that demand their attention .
As rolling out EV ChargePoints to achieve net zero is a more long-term focussed project , councils may not always be able to priorities it . But their ability to grant planning and building will be essential to ensure towns and districts meet net zero goals outlined by the government .
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