Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 45

FROM PILLAR TO POST standardised set of assumptions . However , each home is unique , and every household has its own way of living . So , while standard assessments work to some degree , we don ’ t really know which measures are effective in different situations . Substantial benefits can be realised using assessments according to each different property type , individual indoor environments and the occupants ’ habits rather than adopting a onesize-fits-all approach .
IoT sensors and connected systems helped with this individual assessment approach by giving housing providers like East Devon District Council access to non-intrusive actionable insights in near real-time , providing a more comprehensive view of its entire portfolio . This enables the council to identify homes in need of upgrades and undertake the correct measures , which in turn will help the efficiency of the properties and create healthier homes for residents .
Identifying at-risk properties via the IoTconnected home system also enables the council to proactively address potential risks by enhancing homes through upgrades such as improved ventilation , enhanced insulation and new windows . The retrofitted upgrades aid the reduction in energy consumption , leading to decreased energy bills for the residents . The data from the sensors also offers advice and alerts to encourage them towards more sustainable practices in their homes , such as ventilating while cooking to avoid damp and mould occurring .
By taking advantage of a roaming sim card and RF interconnection , allowing the IoT devices to remain connected to the best available mobile networks at all times , the sensors can be seamlessly retrofitted into existing properties . Once installed , they provide housing providers with consistent key air quality information such as temperature , humidity and carbon dioxide , as well as connecting to new and existing fire and carbon monoxide alarms providing insight on activations and general maintenance . This provides a data-driven overview of property conditions such as indoor air quality risk , damp and mould , excess heat , cold homes , potential fuel poverty and void risk .
Realising the benefits of IoT technology , smart devices like the HomeLINK Connected Home Solution , are rapidly being implemented by other local authorities across the UK , educational establishments , social housing landlords and
Sam Collier , Head of Market Intelligence , Aico
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