Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 44

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How IoT is helping those managing social home portfolios achieve net zero

The UK ’ s housing sector is under pressure to deliver an extensive retrofit programme to meet the government ’ s ambitious target of net zero emissions by 2050 and to reduce annual carbon emissions by more than half in the building sector by 2035 . In this article , we hear from Sam Collier , Head of Market Intelligence , Aico , about how harnessing Internet of Things technology ( IoT ) can support social housing ’ s net zero goals .

In response to the increasing urgency of climate change , East Devon District Council is just one UK local authority that is actively reducing its carbon footprint with an aim towards net zero by implementing proactive energy efficiency measures . The council recently adopted a data-driven strategy , deploying environmental sensors in its portfolio of social homes , to actively determine which properties were a priority for retrofit measures , in terms of poorest condition and / or tenants at risk of fuel poverty .

The environmental sensors are deployed across 50 of its locations , to provide the council with data-driven guidance for each home ’ s energy requirements , and retrofit necessities . Retrofitting initiatives range from switching to low-energy LED light bulbs to upgraded heating systems and enhancing insulation to improve energy efficiency . The benefits of the improvements offer residents a healthier , happier , more cost-effective home and for the housing provider , an increase in property value and a reduction in carbon emissions .
Before undertaking any retrofitting projects , identifying higher-priority properties with the greatest need for improvement can bring about the biggest impact . A large proportion of energy efficiency assessments are based on a
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