Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 19

FOUNDATION FRAMEWORK too since trucks need to roll to the affected facility to diagnose and attempt to repair the equipment . Often , trucks need to roll several times and emissions are multiplied since problem diagnosis , sourcing of needed parts and repair typically is not all accomplished in a single run . Moreover , if spare equipment is used temporarily , that equipment rarely is as up to date or efficient , and many times diesel generators also need to be fired up to support the spare .
Data driven from sensors and digital platforms , and actionable insights shaped by AI , deliver a very different result . Warning signs of failure are seen and understood in advance . Failure can be prevented by remotely adjusting operating parameters and set points or by supporting onsite personnel with precisely targeted action recommendations . Continuity of business and maximum efficiency is also enabled as data drives continual improvement action .
AI is proving its value to our trusted partners in countless cases . As an example , the Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority ( DIEZ ), has deployed our OpenBlue Connected Chillers platform featuring AI techniques to provide predictive diagnostics and maintenance . This has not only helped them to maintain reliable operations , but also to reduce their carbon footprint by 1,848 tons per year with energy savings of 4.2 million kilowatt hours ( kWh ) per year – a reduction of 30 %.
Digital platforms like OpenBlue and actionable intelligence like we can deliver by harnessing AI , are powerful drivers of better business and environmental outcomes and will enable us to transform the built environment and create a smart , safe and sustainable future .
A third of leaders note their organisation would be able to keep their sustainability goals on track if faced with a minor budget cut , while another two-thirds would need help maintaining resiliency of their sustainability strategies . How could such help be applied ?
There are many different solutions to help organisations keep on track – one of the challenges is ensuring they have the awareness and understanding of the available options and what makes sense for each individual business . As mentioned before , ‘ as-a-Service ’ can be an ideal and simple way for customers to access the most advanced solutions for a monthly fee , with guaranteed outcomes , but without the upfront investment . Using this model , the cost savings can be significant – unlocking important capital that can be re-invested in further upgrades .
Working with thousands of customers of different sizes , with different needs and across all industries , we ’ ve recognised the importance of providing this flexibility and now offer a full range of subscription-based and ‘ as-a-Service ’ solutions . These include Software-as-a-Service , such as subscriptions to our digital platforms ; Planned Service Agreements , where customers pay a monthly fee , for example for advisory , field service and maintenance ; building technology or outcomes ‘ on subscription ’, funded through our investment arm JC Capital ; and ‘ Net Zero Buildings-as-a-Service ’, where we assume the risk and can guarantee performance outcomes .
Many governments worldwide are also introducing initiatives to help . For instance , the UK government has set aside almost £ 5 billion of funding to help businesses become greener , with past initiatives supporting improvements like heat pumps and low-carbon hydrogen , and the Inflation Reduction Act in the US similarly is accelerating action to adopt and deploy low carbon energy and equipment .
To account for factors outside their control , how can organisations attract the strategic partners and technology solution providers needed to identify opportunities for short and mid-term savings like energy efficiency solutions and water and waste reduction ?
Our study has shown that many businesses are willing to partner to achieve their sustainability goals , and the vast majority of leaders ( 74 %) are actively seeking out partnerships to facilitate a digital platform across their sites – helping to kickstart processes such as energy monitoring . Working with the right partner that can provide a holistic view across all systems , with the right technology expertise , service capabilities and global footprint , is key – many organisations turn to Johnson Controls for this reason .
Overall , there ’ s no need to delay strong climate action , driven and supported by upgrades , electrification and digitalisation , as well as financing and partnerships that are readily available . �
Katie McGinty , Vice President and Chief Sustainability and External Relations Officer , Johnson Controls
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