Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 14


Three ways to win with quality data and insights


Every project produces a lot of data . But that data isn ’ t helpful if it ’ s not up to date or accessible . On-demand access to your data could save your company over 200 hours each year . That could be the competitive advantage you need to push your business ahead of the rest .

Where builders can get a competitive edge
Today ’ s construction environment is more competitive than ever . What was formerly driven by regulation has now shifted to client demand . For many builders the challenge is not in capturing enough data but extracting the value from it .
This ebook is the playbook for businesses looking to move beyond data collection into driving meaningful return on investment from insights .
What you ’ ll find inside :
• The shift from data collection to real time insights
• Where businesses need to be focusing their attention
• How a platform approach can help
• Stories from the frontline of companies doing it well . �
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