Intelligent Issue 19 | Page 34

FEATURE tasks in the design process . One of these models powers an AI feature that generates fully constrained sketches , minimising errors in parametric modelling . Another aids in object recognition and classification , enhancing similarity searches for fasteners in product design .
We also have plans to expand foundation models that deliver AI features aimed at improving productivity and automation for AECO and M & E .
In parallel , we are working on advanced and transformative AI in research that will enhance creativity and bring ideas to life rapidly in the future . One such pioneering research initiative is Project Bernini , which generates fully realised and detailed 3D objects . It is trained on publicly licensed data , is not available for commercial use and is open to the broader AI community .
Project Bernini and other research projects tackle multi-modal inputs , including 2D and 3D data , sketches , drawings and point clouds to produce 2D and 3D geometry with the precision and accuracy our customers need to create , construct and manufacture with confidence .
We continue to apply techniques from Project Bernini and other research projects towards industry-specific foundation models that are being released now .
In addition to foundation models , we are delivering productivity-enhancing AI features in both our core products and industry clouds through traditional AI .
AI announcements across our industries
Recent announcements highlight our ongoing commitment to continually deliver value to our customers with AI :
• Sustainability outcomes in AECO : Embodied Carbon Analysis in Autodesk Forma is now in beta , allowing designers to test material design decisions and its impact on the carbon footprint of their buildings from day one .
• Manufacturing productivity : AI-driven features like Drawing Automation and AutoConstrain in Fusion streamline manufacturing processes , reducing time spent on creating 2D drawings from 3D models and automatic generation of dimensional constraints between different aspects of a design . Automotive customers can also explore generated realistic new design forms and shapes in seconds with Form Explorer in Alias . And we just announced our intent to acquire NAVASTO , a company focused on the use of AI to accelerate design and engineering .
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