Intelligent Issue 19 | Page 21


OSPO will promote a culture of collaboration in OSS within the Hitachi Group , lead the OSS community contribution as One Hitachi , and foster globally top-class engineers . We will also work with LF to continuously share Hitachi OSPO ’ s expertise across multiple communities and contribute to the realisation of a society that grows sustainably with OSS .“
Shigetoshi Sameshima , CTO of Digital Systems and Services Division in Hitachi , said : “ Since our foundation , Hitachi has embraced the corporate philosophy of contributing to society through superior technology . We have been engaging in collaborative creation with a wide range of stakeholders to address various social challenges and implementing its value in society . In OSS , we are also promoting open innovation leveraging Hitachi R & D Initiative ‘ Kyōsō-no-Mori ’ to contribute to community development , as well as implementing OSS in social infrastructures such as finance , public services and transportation . We hope that Hitachi OSPO , which consolidates the knowledge from these activities , will contribute to the development of a sustainable society by further deepening co-creation with global stakeholders to swiftly resolve increasingly complex social issues in the future .”
Hitachi major OSS activities introduced by Hitachi
As a sponsor of LF since its establishment in 2000 , Hitachi has worked on improving the reliability of the Linux kernel and developing Keycloak financial security functions in compliance
We have been playing a central role in revitalising community activities in Japan , including the establishment of Cloud Native Community Japan , the Japan Chapter of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation ( CNCF ).
with European and South American standards and has contributed to the spread and expansion of OSS through community activities in Japan . Most recently , we have been playing a central role in revitalising community activities in Japan , including the establishment of Cloud Native Community Japan , the Japan Chapter of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation ( CNCF ). In recognition of these longstanding activities , Hitachi employees are actively involved in roles such as LF Japan evangelists , CNCF ambassadors , and maintainers of projects like Keycloak and Hyperledger Fabric in the global community . Furthermore , as the Hitachi Group , we jointly exhibit solutions utilising CNCF project OSS at CNCF global events , and continue to engage in global propagation activities . �
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