Intelligent Issue 16 | Page 69

3 . Communicate
We found that failure to heed feedback was among the top five reasons for low morale in our cohort of respondents , who also judged poor communication to be the top attribute shared by subpar supervisors . Although cultural proclivities vary wildly between the surveyed region and the Middle East , everyone needs to be heard . In this region , we may need to come up with ways to encourage people to speak up in the first place . But feedback is how you discover what is right and what is wrong on the factory floor . Without it , you are blind .
So , head to the shop floor and ask for feedback . Assure the workforce that open doors are not merely for show . Establish a tradition of open dialogue at meetings and one-on-ones . Implement suggestion boxes . Cater to every personality type , from the shyest to the most outspoken . And once you receive feedback that is useful , act on it and share the results .
4 . Accommodate
More than half of respondents ( 55 %) said their morale was not high , citing a lack of raises and
We found that failure to heed feedback was among the top five reasons for low morale in our cohort of respondents .
bonuses as top reasons . While it is not necessary to have every staff member come into work every day with a bounce in their step , morale must remain high on aggregate for a business to function well . Beyond monetary factors , perks can help , as can opportunities for professional development . But arguably the most significant non-monetary compensation for the modern worker is flexible working . This is more important to factory workers who see their back office colleagues working from home while the same is not available to floor personnel . Even the ability to choose a daily start and end time for a floor shift would be a boon .
5 . Change
Most of our surveyed factory workers ( 55 %) would take a pay cut to work at a more sustainable factory , while only 45 % say their organisation is being proactive in this regard . In the wake of COP28 , more workers across the region are looking to their employers to lead and align with their nation ’ s sustainability goals . To attract and retain young talent , firms must reduce waste throughout the manufacturing process . Technology tools are on hand to help , by analysing data and using AI to suggest more efficient processes , greener materials and more efficient consumption of energy . Technology can audit entire supply chains to identify vendors who have the same sustainability priorities and those that may need to be replaced .
What next ?
Once something is named as a trend , those that are not part of the trend are already on the cusp of being left behind . If a firm understands what its workforce is going through , it is in a position to act . But only if it chooses action can it reap the rewards of a driven workforce . That workforce wants a sustainable , more technology-driven factory and enough flexibility and compassion to feel valued and supported . It ’ s now the time for Middle East industrialists to usher in the future of manufacturing . �
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