Intelligent Issue 16 | Page 44

FROM illar



Attracting investments through transformative masterplans

Amid global supply challenges and efforts to diversify imports , South Africa has emerged as a strategic investment opportunity for European countries and companies , with an abundant resource base and untapped opportunities attracting players in renewable energy , digital technology infrastructure , logistics and more .

Amid supply challenges and efforts to diversify imports , South Africa and the rest of Africa has emerged as a strategic investment opportunity for many European countries and companies . The continent ’ s abundant resource base and untapped opportunities have already begun to attract players from across the bloc , and new market dynamics offer the chance for African countries to take tangible actions to advance the continent ’ s attractiveness for foreign investment .

With resources available , South Africa and other African countries – either oil producers or those on the verge , have begun implementing strategies to define a long-term vision for the sector . These master plans not only outline opportunities but reassure foreign investors on risk while detailing strategies for maximising returns on investment .
Masterplans have proven effective for burgeoning oil and gas producers . Establishing energy masterplans is also a strategy for mature producers to diversify their energy sectors by attracting investment in alternative industries such as renewables , power and infrastructure .
In South Africa , the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement programme focuses on leveraging demand for renewable energy and storage technologies to unlock industrial and inclusive development .
Clear and well-defined legal frameworks are a strategic way to boost European
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