Intelligent Issue 12 | Page 11


Embrace social value or get left behind warns CIOB

C onstruction SMEs risk losing out in a competitive market if they don ’ t embrace the use of social value in procurement , so says a new report by the Chartered Institute of Building ( CIOB ).

The report , Social Value and SMEs , says a relatively small number of construction SMEs are up to speed with what social value is , how it is delivered and how it is measured . It predicts those who choose to ignore it will lose out when it comes to bidding directly for work in the public sector or for Tier 1 companies , which have had no choice but to move fast on social value since it was introduced into public sector procurement in 2020 .
It also adds that social value is more likely to feature in private sector procurement over time , as councils are expected to factor it into planning applications , meaning almost all projects will require its suppliers and contractors to demonstrate social value .

HID and leading technology partners introduce mobile credentials in Google Wallet for employees , tenants and guests


ID , a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions , in partnership with Smart Spaces , an award-winning developer of Smart Building software , and Cohesion , a comprehensive Smart Building software platform that reimagines the connection between people , systems and buildings , has announced the availability of mobile credentials in Google Wallet , allowing users to access buildings , spaces and systems with their Android devices .
Adding mobile credentials in Google Wallet gives employees , tenants and guests easy access to everyday spaces and business systems , using their Android phones . They now have a secure , mobile credential to open a door , access an elevator or release a print job , simply by holding their Android phone near a reader .
Adding to the security of Seos , mobile credentials in Google Wallet take full advantage of the privacy and security features built into Android phones . Additionally , mobile credentials in Google Wallet are compatible with Signo and iCLASS SE readers , which are Wallet ready .
“ We are thrilled to partner with Smart Spaces and Cohesion to provide their customers and users with a convenient , secure wallet experience on Android phones ,” said Sanjit Bardhan , VP of Mobile at HID . “ By adding mobile credentials in Google Wallet , users can access everything from turnstiles and elevators to certain floors on a building to computer and printer networks .”
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