Intelligent Issue 10 | Page 33

Stefan Holmqvist , Regional Key Account Manager , Northern Europe , Axis Communications , looks at the construction sector and how the integration of network video with operational technology accelerates business innovation .

A xis regularly speaks to decision makers across a wide range of industries and sectors about how its innovative solutions can help them face their challenges and achieve their goals . Digital Transformation , the power of cloud and the ease of connectivity using the Internet of Things ( IoT ), means that the possibilities are now almost endless when it comes to utilising technology to improve operations and services . In fact , use cases are often limited only by a lack of vision around what is possible as the technology rapidly evolves .

Stefan Holmqvist , Regional Key Account Manager , Northern Europe , Axis Communications
With developers working to get the most from cameras and sensors , connected to open platforms that facilitate collaboration with third-party technologies , it ’ s time for businesses to work closely with providers to determine how best the technology can work for them . This might include improvements to services ; automating legacy processes to make them more productive and their outcomes more meaningful . By considering one industry and looking at an application of integrated and connected technology we can see what ’ s currently possible and how rapidly developing technology can help business achieve their future objectives as requirements dictate .
Increasing safety in construction


The hard hat has become an essential piece of personal protective equipment ( PPE ) for anyone working in the construction industry . Head protection accounts for only 3 % of PPE purchases ,
It has been reported that in the US alone , 84 % of fatal head injuries are sustained by employees not wearing head protection .
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