Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 7


New study reveals the UK local authorities with the highest number of new builds

A new study by 24housing . co . uk reveals that Stratford-on- Avon had the most completed new builds in the UK from 2020 to 2023 . famous for its association with William Shakespeare , which makes it a popular location for tourists and given the surge in builds , also among people who want to relocate and buy a house in the area .

The study examined building completion rates in various local authorities across the UK between 2020 and 2023 and compared them to the population of each local authority to determine the number of builds completed per 10,000 people .
Stratford-on-Avon takes first place with 283.9 new buildings completed per 10,000 population , reflecting a concerted effort to meet the growing demands of its populace . The total number is 3,860 houses compared to its population of 135,964 . This picturesque locale , renowned for its historic charm and cultural significance , comprises the town of Stratford-upon- Avon , globally
Second is South Derbyshire , which follows closely behind , with 3,000 builds completed , translating to 277.6 new houses per 10,000 population . The region ’ s strategic location and robust economic infrastructure contribute to its attractiveness for developers and residents .
Mid Suffolk has demonstrated a commendable commitment to urban development , ranking third on the list , with 2,670 builds completed between 2020 and 2023 . This accomplishment translates to 258.2 builds per 10,000 population , showcasing the region ’ s proactive approach to addressing housing demands while maintaining its distinct rural character .
Gill Broad , Senior Editor at 24housing . co . uk , said : “ The data underscores the importance of proactive urban planning and collaboration between public and private sectors in addressing housing shortages and fostering inclusive growth . Local authorities play a pivotal role in shaping the built environment and enhancing the quality of life for residents .”

UK government proposes streamlined process for heat pump installations

T he government has made proposals to eliminate planning obstacles for heat pump installations in the UK .

If these proposals are given the green light , it ’ s anticipated that heat pump sales will soar , thanks to the simplification of planning regulations . Currently , consumers face lengthy delays in obtaining planning permission from local councils to swap out their old gas boilers for eco-friendly heat pumps . The proposed alterations to permitted development rights could make installing a heat pump as straightforward as adding a jacuzzi or garden shed for many homeowners .
Daniel Särefjord , Aira UK CEO – one of Britain ’ s largest heat pump firms , said : “ The Government finally announced they are looking to change the rules on permitted development , which will play a critical role in removing those barriers and unlocking the true potential of clean energy technology for the UK , while making it easier for consumers to install a heat pump in their home . Contrary to misconceptions , residential heat pumps only consume a small amount of energy and are actually four times more efficient than a gas boiler . Sound levels tend to be another concern for UK consumers ; however , technology has developed a lot in recent years and heat pumps now produce as little sound as a home refrigerator .”
By making the switch to a heat pump quicker and simpler , the UK can reduce its total emissions by 16 – 17 %, making it a critical component in taking Europe off gas . It is crucial to recognise the transformative potential of heat pump technology in lowering energy bills and emissions , and we need more policy changes like this without delay to bring us closer to reaching our nation ’ s legally binding net zero targets . It ’ s undeniable that the time for action is now .”
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