Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 60




Thousands of companies around the world depend on SOTI to secure , manage and support their mobile operations . The company has expanded globally with operations in 28 countries and over 1,800 employees worldwide . Faki Saadi , Director of Sales , UK , Ireland and France at SOTI , talks about his passion for technology and the major areas of investment within his industry .
Describe your current job role .
As Director of Sales at SOTI , my job is to work closely with customers and partners in my region , localising and executing SOTI ’ s global strategy . I lead the sales teams in the UK , Ireland and France to work with businesses across retail , healthcare and transportation and logistics ( T & L ) and the supply chain , to secure , manage and support their devices to cut the cost and complexity of Digital Transformation . It is all about understanding a company ’ s unique set of requirements and pain points and finding the best solution for them .
What would you describe as your most memorable achievement ?
Since joining SOTI in 2011 when there were only a handful of employees , I have seen the company expand globally with operations in 28 countries and over 1,800 employees worldwide . I ’ m proud to have been on this journey with SOTI and grow my role and team along the way .
When faced with a business that is struggling with its Digital Transformation journey , I find it rewarding to help them prioritise and enhance their business-critical mobility infrastructure and deployments . This involves digging deep into the processes and operational issues to identify ways in which our solutions can help solve their pain points . Seeing companies succeed and maximise their ROI and productivity because of the support I have given them , will always stick with me as a memorable achievement .
One of my most memorable and pivotal moments was early on in my career when the company received its first ever computer with Windows 95 . As soon as I saw it being set up , I was hooked and my passion for technology has stayed with me ever since . I was so fascinated , and in that moment , I knew what I wanted to do with my life .
What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position ?
I believe my work ethic closely aligns with Steve Jobs . Over the years , I ’ ve adopted his mantra : “ It doesn ’ t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do ; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do .” I use this philosophy when it comes to managing my team . I like to empower them to make decisions , as well as provide feedback and coaching , rather than dictating what
This involves digging deep into the processes and operational issues to identify ways in which our solutions can help solve their pain points .
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