Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 50

of Stuttgart , which aims to promote sustainability and enhance the quality of life for its 600,000 citizens . The City ’ s Civil Engineering Office will utilise our Software as a Service ( SaaS ) solution to visualise and analyse data from Internet of Thing ( IoT ) sensors located around the city .
The solution offers a unified operational view for monitoring sensor data , such as water quality , flood levels and parking space occupancy , allowing the city to gain insights for operational optimisation and future decision-making . Hexagon ’ s M . App Enterprise and Xalt | Integration solutions served as the foundation for the digital twin platform , and Fujitsu provided the project ’ s essential cloud infrastructure service .
The effects of climate change can often disproportionately affect vulnerable populations . How do Hexagon ’ s initiatives and digital twin solutions ensure that the most at-risk communities receive the support and resources they need during times of crisis ?
We help vulnerable communities address their most pressing urban challenges , such as sustainability , safety and mobility , by helping them leverage and analyse real-time data , and putting that information to use to provide for the safety and well-being of their communities . For instance , leaders from at-risk cities can leverage our digital twin solutions to :
• Set priorities : Determining where to start and how to prioritise and allocate available funds
• Take unified action : Maintaining a view of all initiatives , and making sense of data to implement solutions based on city-wide analysis
• Monitor outcomes : Deriving insights for optimising operations and making well-informed decisions for the future
In doing so , city leaders can better anticipate , support , and provide for the needs of their citizens .
Collaboration between Hexagon and Fujitsu demonstrates the power of technological partnerships . Could you shed light on the synergies between the two companies and how this collaboration amplifies the impact of the digital twin solutions ?
Our collaboration utilises digital twin technologies and solutions from both companies , including IoT sensors , data processing , AI analysis and advanced data visualisation in the cloud and highperformance computing infrastructure .
This includes leveraging Fujitsu ’ s Computing as a Service ( CaaS ) capabilities under the Fujitsu Uvance brand which combines worldleading computing technologies via the public cloud and Fugaku , the world ’ s fastest supercomputer , in synergy with Hexagon ’ s M . App Enterprise .
M . App Enterprise is a cloud platform for creating geospatial apps . The platform allows city planners to easily monitor real-world changes , evaluate the impact , and act on the results . M . App Enterprise provides a unified geospatial enterprise platform that enables customers and partners to configure vertical solutions for their markets and industry segments .
For example , working together , we help protect cities and regions from natural disasters such as flooding by using “ digital rehearsal ” technology to analyse and verify disaster threats and optimal disaster preparedness in advance on a digital twin that replicates real-world conditions with incredible detail .
Using flood forecasting models and precipitation data , we can perform sophisticated calculations and visualise flooding , as well as address challenges in the medical , financial , public and distribution spheres , such as infrastructure damage forecasting , formulation of disaster response plans and estimation of damage amounts .
Together , we can help city planners secure safe evacuation routes and support infrastructure protection in the event of abnormal weather and natural disasters by leveraging weather IoT sensors and weather forecast services that monitor temperature and rainfall .
Looking ahead , as the frequency and severity of natural disasters continue to rise due to climate change , how do you envision the role of technology , such as digital twin applications , evolving to ensure the resilience and sustainability of critical services and infrastructure in cities ?
According to the World Meteorological Organisation ( WMO ), Asia is the world ’ s most disaster-prone region , making it all the more imperative that leaders here leverage technology to mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure the resilience and sustainability of critical services and infrastructure of their cities .
However , climate change is only understood because of geospatial data . Geospatial data describes objects or events with their location . Think of yearly comparisons of water levels or consider data that is collected and shared in real-time while monitoring the spread of weather events , such as a hurricane , or natural disasters , such as a wildfire .
Without geospatial data science , we would not know the extent of the climate crisis and how quickly it is evolving . Digital twins of cities are an essential tool in the battle against climate change , allowing city leaders and urban planners to optimise energy efficiency at every stage of developing and managing infrastructure .
By creating 3D digital twins , we can support the need for geospatial data that enables insightful , data-driven decisions . Digital twins will enable city leaders and infrastructure planners to manage and monitor critical assets , assess and model risks , and support the visualisation of new infrastructure projects with the goal of creating smarter , more sustainable cities , not just in this region , but around the globe , and better weather the effects of climate change . �
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