Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 34

EVs plugged in at workplaces , leisure destinations , fleet depots and delivery hubs can help balance peaks in electricity supply and demand .
Ben Marchant , Chief Operating Officer at 3ti
Solar car parks can not only be used to generate electricity for EV drivers , businesses and destinations but also play a pivotal role in supporting the electricity grid . With the UK needing to double its electric capacity over the next decade – and more than treble it by 2050 –
Public areas like car parks become crucial , contributing to achieving net zero targets by 2050 and establishing optimised electric vehicle charging infrastructure ahead of the ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles .
Our new Papilio3 V2X Fast Hub project ( funded by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero , delivered by Innovate UK ) is currently exploring how bi-directional charging and DC microgrid systems can resolve the key issue of intermittent electricity supply from renewables . We believe that this is the next step in electric vehicle charging , ensuring that businesses maximise revenue generation , support the shift to zero emission transport and reduce the burden on carbon-intensive on-peak rapid charging infrastructure .
From hospitals to leisure centres , facilities across the UK are utilising our unique three-technology approach , integrating solar , batteries and EV charge points to generate onsite renewable energy from existing spaces such as car parks and rooftops to reduce electricity costs and carbon emissions . Our award-winning Papilio3 pop-up solar car park has been key to delivering this , operating as a smart grid ‘ in-a-box ’ that can host up to 12 EVs at a time , housed within an upcycled , rapidly deployable shipping container that can be easily placed in most locations .
In addition , with around 50 % of UK households unable to charge an electric vehicle at home , destination and workplace solar car parks are also
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