Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 3


reetings and a warm welcome to the latest instalment of Intelligent Build . tech . We trust that you have had a rejuvenating month and are eager to delve into another great edition .
For our featured cover story , we speak to Mattias Tidebrink , SVP , APAC , Hexagon ’ s Safety , Infrastructure and Geospatial Division , who discusses the company ’ s collaborative efforts with Fujitsu to advance digital twin solutions for resilient urban environments .
“ A major challenge faced by city officials and agency leaders is how they can make the most out of the data that they have . Data often sits in silos across different organisations , making it hard to put together and gather insights . Through digital twin technology , we can help them draw meaningful insights and bring data to life that can be used to inform actions ,” said Tidebrink .
Dive into this interview on page 48 .
With Biodiversity Net Gain ( BNG ) recently coming into law , it ’ s important that developers and associated parties get to grips with some of the technical elements of the legislation to successfully work through planning . On page 17 , Ian Hambleton , Director of Biodiversity Units UK , dives into what successful applicants will need to understand and what tools to utilise .
It ’ s estimated that building operations account for a staggering 30 % of global final energy consumption . It ’ s clear there ’ s a need to boost efficiency , but how can we achieve this with no loss of comfort and at a reasonable cost ? This month ’ s Future Proofing hosts Dave Walsha , Sales Manager at DC motor supplier , EMS , who explains how automated technologies can help .
Learn more on page 63 .
Surveying the Sector turns to construction efficiency on page 39 . Chloe Donovan , Managing Director of Natural Building Systems and Material Research Limited , discusses the traditional sluggishness of planning and the construction industry in embracing innovation . However , she highlights a promising shift towards ‘ kit-of-parts ’ Modern Methods of Construction ( MMC ) solutions . These solutions blend the strengths of traditional volumetric methods with a modern , digital and fabrication-led approach , better suited for design flexibility , disassembly and circularity .
We also have a range of ‘ Intelligent ’ pages , which feature the latest in automation , cloud , network , green , BIM and security .
I hope you enjoy this issue and if you would like to contribute to any future editions then please do not hesitate to contact me .
Ellen Flannery Editor
www . intelligentbuild . tech 3