Intelligent Issue 09 | Page 15


The benefits of building a software factory with Red Hat OpenShift

The modern software supply chain
Most companies in today ’ s digital world have a software supply chain – the processes , tools , and platforms that support developing , deploying , and updating software , which includes :
1 . Runtimes . Products , tools , and components for developing and maintaining cloud-native applications .
2 . Assembly . Building , testing , and securing applications .
3 . Production . The delivery of finished software applications .
A software factory supports an effective software supply chain .
What is a software factory ?
Modern software delivery relies on speed , consistency , and quality . A software factory is part of a modern software supply chain and supports , accelerates , and enforces the behavior changes organizations need to adopt a DevSecOps culture . A software factory is the digital equivalent of an assembly line , but insteadof physical parts , assembly automation , and quality checks , it has multiple software pipelines . These pipelines are equipped with a set of tools , process workflows , scripts , and environments to produce consistent , reliable applications with reduced human intervention through automation and controls .
Remove manual processes that restrict software development and deployment
Developing and deploying high-quality software at scale while adhering to security , compliance , and quality standards is a challenge for many organizations . Manual processes and sign-offs create inconsistent security practices and result in slower , less controlled software delivery . The lack of consistent or transparent processes leads to inefficient work and distrust between teams . The more complicated the implementation , the more distracted developers become by tangential issues . Security and compliance concerns arise late in the project , adding more friction to an already stressful phase .
Building applications with manual processes is less productive than the alternative – a software factory approach . This transforms the sequence of processes involved throughout the development and deployment of software . Adopting a software factory approach connects teams to consistent and automated developers and operations workflows . Teams work with a trusted software supply chain and enforced sequence . �
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