Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 6


HSBC plans climate tech funding push


SBC has announced that it plans to make $ 1bn of financing available to early-stage climate tech companies around the world .
The financing is expected to support start-ups to create a range of new solutions , including EV charging , battery storage , sustainable food and agriculture and carbon removal technologies . This announcement also follows the launch of HSBC Innovation Banking and of HSBC Asset Management ’ s Climate Tech Venture Capital strategy .
Estimates suggest almost half the emissions reductions required to reach net zero in 2050 will come from technologies that are currently at the demonstration or prototype phase . first-of-a-kind demonstration projects , including through its US $ 100M investment in Breakthrough Energy Catalyst .
Barry O ’ Byrne , CEO of Global Commercial Banking at HSBC , said : “ Access to finance is critical for early-stage climate tech companies to create and scale real-world solutions . We are already working with some of the most exciting companies at the forefront of climate tech , from seed to global scale-up . With HSBC ’ s global reach , in-house climate tech expertise , and newly launched Innovation Banking proposition , we can offer these pioneer companies unrivalled support .”
HSBC aims to support climate tech innovation to scale , supporting earlystage companies and providing capital for

NICA shares vision for building cities of longevity at Smart City Expo in Barcelona

Joined by a delegation of public and private sector organisations from North East England , NICA shared its vision to equip city planners and policymakers with a toolkit for healthy longevity as part of a UK exhibition organised by Department for Business and Trade and Connected Places Catapult . Smart City Expo was attended by more than 25,000 people from 800 cities in 2023 , bringing together the most influential figures in urban design and digital transformation for three days of events , networking and knowledge exchange .
As part of its programme , NICA partnered with the Barcelona City Council on a special offsite event , the Barcelona Meetup , for the founder members of the City of Longevity global community , which was established at the inaugural City of Longevity conference in Newcastle in July 2023 .

T he UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing ( NICA ) presented its City of Longevity project at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona .

Professor Nic Palmarini , Director of NICA , said : “ What we want to achieve with the City of Longevity is a paradigm shift in how we think about the role of civic institutions and policymakers , moving away from simply building ‘ age-friendly ’ infrastructure to support people as they age and towards co-designing solutions that can positively influence the behaviour of people over the life course so that they can stay healthier for longer .”
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