Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 33

In this article , Shweta Saxena , CEO of MachineMax , discusses the bright , green future of infrastructure projects through the power of data engineering .

I nfrastructure and utility projects are the bedrock of a functioning society yet could also be jeopardising the planet ’ s future . The construction and infrastructure sector accounts for over half of the UK ’ s total carbon emissions , placing it at the forefront of the climate change discussion .

Compounding the issue , a recent survey conducted by our team revealed that almost two-fifths of industry professionals are unclear about the carbon footprint of their off-highway fleet , highlighting a gap in understanding the environmental impact of fleet management and its role in achieving net zero goals . This indicates an urgent need for increased awareness and education within the industry , as well as a comprehensive approach to emission management that is baked in from the start of projects . The implementation of intelligent sensors , telematics and data-driven solutions is a force multiplier for tackling this problem and this article will delve into the topic in greater detail .
Addressing the source of emissions



Carbon emissions from heavy construction machinery , such as off-highway fleets , present a significant challenge that must be addressed . Due to their high energy usage and reliance on diesel , industry research estimates that earthwork emissions in road projects can generate more than 90 % of all equipment greenhouse gas
Carbon emissions from heavy construction machinery , such as offhighway fleets , present a significant challenge that must be addressed .
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