Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 31

Consider how this comprehensive security can translate into the real world . A fire breaks out in a building , The automatic fire alert system uses the data from the smoke and temperature sensors to trigger alarms and send alerts and nearby cameras are instantly linked to push out real-time images automatically to the nearest control centre . Security personnel can confirm the fire alerts and rapidly initiate the emergency response procedure . The integrated security management system then links access controls in all entrances and exits to automatically open to the fire-free zones surrounding the building while all access points are opened to facilitate the safe evacuation of personnel . People affected by the fire are notified by SMS and guided to the closest escape and the relevant emergency services are dispatched to put out the fire .
Intrusion detection can be managed the same way – an interconnected web of devices provides security personnel with visibility into the threat and gives them the ability to orchestrate the right level of security response . Smart City visibility translates across vehicle retrieval , traffic management , emergency
Connectivity and security are obviously the most important considerations .
response , energy and environment management and , of course , cybersecurity .
Creating a smart ecosystem , one must leverage next-generation technology that embeds connectivity , next-generation devices , intelligent platforms and third-party expertise . BCX , with an extensive range of experts and technologies , plus a robust backbone of resilient connectivity , has the tools to ensure that Smart Cities and smart environments are built to the highest standards . Providing solutions built to create smart infrastructure and capabilities , BCX understands the critical priorities of physical and digital security alongside the necessities of connectivity and technology ingenuity . �
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