Intelligent Issue 06 | Page 26




From our observations in the UK within the last generation , city planning has separated communities from services . The concept of ‘ 15-minute cities ’ challenges this , particularly in areas where an existing community and history are embedded into the fabric of the neighbourhoods . The key to ensuring concerns are listened to and addressed while fostering constructive dialogue around what urban planning in those areas might look like is down to a watertight brand strategy built on storytelling .

A proper immersion into the mindset of the existing community to help you understand doubts or concerns requires time and dedication . For this to work and be an ongoing tool to help inform what the dialogue and strategy will look like , start a feedback channel from the very beginning of the process and showcase active listening ; it ’ s not enough to host a few forums just to tick off the box . Assuring existing community members that they are understood and listened to will make any future hurdles easier to overcome .
Develop a brand strategy and story that appeals to a mindset versus demographics . When it comes to storytelling , embed the area ’ s already established history into the new development ’ s ethos and relevant touchpoints in order to increase familiarity , preserve what is already thriving and highlight local successes . The resulting identity package should attract the kind of consumers that are mindful of their impact on the existing community , and active in being a positive participant in the area .
A fresh language is needed to create a new standard and best practice that helps community members feel a part of the overall vision , as opposed to being lectured to . We need an aspirational , engaging , intriguing approach that comes at this issue from an oblique angle to help communities think about this issue in a more holistic way .
Outside of design , consider experiential elements so that any ‘ barriers ’ between existing and new communities feel permeable . This could be in the way street-level amenities and services are laid out . A step further would involve active programming : bringing locally celebrated retail into mixed-use buildings and developing spaces that are open for use to the wider community .
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