Intelligent Issue 04 | Page 42

Kristoffer Debois , VP of Software North
America , Trackunit
Furthermore , that places a premium on bidders being able to demonstrate they really are compliant when it comes to demonstrating their record on emissions . It is in effect the perfect marriage of business sense and an environmentally aware strategy that encourages better behaviour and better outcomes .
The technological breakthrough
This all adds up
The regulatory environment is becoming more established and is underpinned by a societal sentiment that is more or less in harmony with those goals . When that happens , the criteria to be part of government-state or regional-funded projects become ever more stringent in line with macro targets that enjoy broad support through society .
We are already living in an incredibly data-rich environment that has taken huge strides in the last few years with the advances in IoT and the deepening connectivity between machines , people and processes .
The next breakthrough in delivering data that really differentiates fleet owners at the microlevel is upon us . There are exciting advances happening that will make emissions reporting more quantifiable , more rigorous and , perhaps most significantly for the bottom line , aligned with the kind of stringent criteria that will
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