FEATURE importance than an area supporting breeding grey partridge , corn bunting , yellowhammer and breeding skylark .
Presenting this information clearly and transparently ensures that all stakeholders involved in the process can understand and easily access it . This approach facilitates constructive inquiries regarding specific projects and assists decision making by planning officers , council members or inspectors in factoring ‘ ecology ’ into complex , multifaceted considerations – where other important factors , such as food security , are also considered in the planning process .
Practically , one of the most effective ways to ensure wildlife is considered in development is to document the species present and their precise locations . Technology is critical in this , whether it be remote camera , infra-red cameras , static records or DNA technology . Once the records are complied , they should be submitted to relevant local natural history recording societies and biological record centres . This information often serves as the initial reference point for any ecological consultant . Understanding what others have recorded in a particular area aids other ecologists in their work and to understand the risks and opportunities associated with any given future project in the same locality .
It ’ s also worth noting that cataloguing species in a list is not enough . Instead , considering their relative abundance is crucial because some species carry more weight in the planning process due to their rarity or conservation priority significance than more common and widespread species .
Ecological consultants , using the latest technology whenever practicable , need to remain at the forefront of development so that there remains a balance between new homes and other built infrastructure and the natural world . �
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