brownfield sites . This approach uses private ( and sometimes public ) finance to restore ecologically degraded landscapes into wildlife rich habitats of wildflower grasslands , native mixed-species scrublands , native broad-leaved woodlands and wetlands . This in turn increases the abundance of flowers , fruit , seeds and invertebrates and the benefits ripple up the food chain to declining bird and mammal populations . Forward thinking developers therefore have a chance to create high-quality living spaces and foster a closer connection between residents and nature . If done well , this also provides opportunities to sequester carbon and improve climate resilience .
One of the most effective ways to ensure wildlife is considered in development is to document the species present and their precise locations . Technology is critical in this , whether it be remote camera , infra-red cameras , static records or DNA technology .
We must appreciate the intricate ecological balance required by flora and fauna – above and below ground . In all wildlife conservation efforts – whether undertaken by a wildlife conservation organisation , a public entity , a private individual or a corporation – there exists a delicate equilibrium among the often-competing needs of diverse species .
Carefully planned development on intensive farmland can create new ‘ homes ’ for certain species of bees , swifts , house sparrows , starlings and bats , alongside habitats that will significantly increase the amount and diversity of food . Nevertheless , even with an overall increase in biodiversity , the loss of farmland specialists like the skylark can still occur without appropriate mitigation measures .
Though development may not be the primary cause of the historic decline in farmland bird populations , certain areas now hold greater significance due to the unfortunate loss that has occurred because of policies that have encouraged more intensive agricultural practices . Hence , those areas that now support the remaining fragments of important farmland bird assemblages ’ merit increased attention by ecological consultants . In doing so , it ’ s essential to recognise that not all intensive farmland is equal . Ecologically speaking , an area supporting only breeding skylarks , for example , holds less
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