Intelligent Issue 04 | Page 10


Air For Life sets new industry standard with NASAinspired air purification advancements

A ir For Life , a pioneering force in air purification , is dedicated to ushering in a new era of clean and healthy indoor environments . Employing state-of-the-art technology to mitigate health risks and enhance well-being , the company draws inspiration from NASA ’ s cutting-edge innovations , originally developed for the Mars Rover 2020 mission .

Over the past 15 years , Air For Life has meticulously honed its proprietary nanotechnology , resulting in advancements that promise to redefine air quality on a global scale . Their innovative approach harnesses human-friendly negative ions .
Air For Life firmly believes that businesses and industries across the UK should prioritize employee well-being , offering not only conducive workspaces for efficient job performance but also environments where clean air is a fundamental component .
Air For Life ’ s product range caters to businesses of all sizes , from spas enhancing the customer experience to call centres improving employee efficiency .
Jay Vitale , CEO of Air For Life , said : “ Companies have invested in excellent catering and wellness facilities , but far too often , they overlook a crucial aspect of employee well-being : clean air . As we adapt to hybrid working models , there ’ s an opportunity not only to ensure that office buildings are equipped with clean air but to take it a step further by ensuring that home workspaces also enjoy the same level of air purity .”
Professor Nabarun Ghosh PhD , R & D Lead at Air For Life , added : “ I ’ ve witnessed Air For Life ’ s unwavering commitment to democratising the benefits of our space-inspired innovations and it ’ s brilliant to be part of the team . Clean air is no longer a luxury but a fundamental human right .”

BT and Johnson Controls collaborate to help businesses reach net zero faster


T and Johnson Controls has announced a new collaboration to help business customers in the UK and internationally benefit from Smart buildings technology to digitally monitor , analyse and optimise energy use in workplaces . Buildings from offices to factories can all benefit , helping customers reach net zero faster while reducing operating costs .
The global leaders in their respective fields will build on their extensive expertise in sustainable building management and global networking to make it easier for customers to reduce emissions from buildings around the world .
According to the World Green Building Council , buildings are responsible for almost 40 % of greenhouse gas emissions and the IEA finds they consume at least 30 % of energy globally . Smart and sustainable buildings are on the rise as they represent a key opportunity in helping to meet climate targets . At the same time , the number of subsystems , IoT devices and data is increasing exponentially , driving demand for secure and reliable networks . Connectivity to the cloud is now needed in areas within buildings that may have been poorly served by legacy networking solutions .
Sarwar Khan , Global Head of Digital Sustainability , Business , BT , said : “ Our collaboration with Johnson Controls will help BT deliver on its pledge to help customers avoid 60 million tonnes of CO 2 by the end of March 2030 . Customers will benefit from better visibility and management of energy data from connected buildings , helping them reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and reach Net Zero faster .”
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